Friday, July 31, 2009

Old Month, Slacking Off

Not much new to report. I've been working pretty hard on my startup. Wake up early, work out, then work for a long time. By the time that 10 or 11 rolls around, I'm pretty exhausted. I also spend a lot of time programming (especially at night), which makes it much harder to switch into social mode. I end up getting out like once a week, which is pathetic. Time to change that.

Haven't found many bars around here that I actually like, but I should be looking harder. Tonight I'm going to try a new town, and see what's going on down there. Still haven't connected with any community guys in SF - I really need a support network, because it's hard going at it solo.

I'm moving up to SF in about a month, which should hopefully make it easier to find wings and go out. But, as I'm discovering, I can't rely on other people to do things for me. I need to want it.

On a more positive note, I'm finishing up with Week 5 of P90X. I've been modifying it a bit so that I can go out biking (mostly biking instead of the cardio/plyo workouts), but it's going ok. Hard work, but I think I'm starting to see results (slowly).

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

New Month, New State

It seems to be impossible for me to write regular posts on this blog. I completely missed the month of June. For most of the month, I was traveling and in the process of moving cross-country. Finished school, and went to my sister's wedding. Attended a bootcamp in Miami, where I learned some important things. The most important lesson is that I'm still try-hard and don't have enough fun. When I interact with girls, I come across as too intense. I think that I'm finally ready to fix that.

About two weeks ago, I arrived on the West Coast. I've been out a few times, and it has been going pretty well. I'm not taking "gaming" nearly as seriously. Trying to go out and have fun, regardless of the outcome. Be slightly more of a sarcastic asshole when I'm interacting with girls. I pulled a chick this past weekend - it seemed like more of a layup than anything else (she opened me), but it probably wouldn't have happened without all of the work that I've been doing. A lot of the learning involves integrating things into your subconscious - on some level it's hard to figure out what you're even doing differently.

I saw some old friends this weekend (some of whom I hadn't seen in two years), and a couple of them independently said that I had changed a lot. They said that I seem happier and more relaxed. The cynic in me immediately piped in that I had gotten laid the night before, but then I realized that I am in fact much happier and more relaxed. More confident and outgoing as well.