Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dude Sarging

I hate the word "sarging," along with all other community lingo. I just wanted to let everyone know how I feel about that.

I've been going to this mastermind group. We talk about our pickup goals, but also our life goals (health, wealth, and relationships). A few weeks ago, I commented that I was drinking too much when I went out. Not to excess (one or two), but one or two beers every time you go out does add up. I had gained about 6-8 pounds over the last six months. The feedback was (predictably) "try drinking less."

So, I essentially stopped drinking when I went out. Maybe I'll drink once a week, but I've been trying to go at it sober. Suddenly, my game is worse, and I'm not having as much fun. Hmm... That's interesting.

One of the problems is that, when I go out, I have an agenda. I want to get laid. That's fine, but it causes me to react differently. I come across as needy, and girls can sense that. The only way to eliminate that (for me) is by drinking. Quiets the chatter in my head right down. I'm not a problem drinker (or even close to it), but it would be nice to not be dependent on alcohol. One of the suggestions was to go out once a week and not talk to anyone. If I'm not talking to anyone, there is no way that I can be outcome dependent.

I decided to further that. I'm going to go out once a week and "dude sarge." Basically, I can't talk to girls. I have to talk to guys. The only way I can talk to a girl is if she's in a mixed set (and then I need to talk to the guys as well).

This is week one. I'm trying to motivate myself to go out tonight...

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