Monday, April 7, 2008

30-day Challenge Number 2

So its on to bigger and better things - I'm now announcing 30-day challenge number two. The goal this time is to pull 20 numbers. Day game and night game count. Girls I meet at social events don't count, unless they are at least a 7.

It doesn't matter if the numbers flake - in fact I don't even have to follow up with them (although that would be recommended). The goal is to close numbers. The act of getting a number (or trying) does more than just giving you a chance to see her again. It gives you a valuable piece of information about her. I think that all of my challenges should revolve around getting signals. Hooking a set is a signal. Getting a number is a signal. And so on.

Here are the outcomes that I foresee when you try to get a number (in ascending order). We will see what actually happens, and how these align with reality.
1) She doesn't like you, and doesn't give it to you.
2) She likes you a little bit, and gives you a number with no intent to ever pick up (or she gives you a fake number)
3) She likes you, but something wasn't quite on. So rather than not pick up, she won't take your number.
4) She likes you, and is interested in seeing you again. So she gives you her number happily when you ask.
5) She asks for your number (this is probably the highest level of compliment).

Ok. Enough of this for now. The challenge starts on Thursday (that way I get five weekends to complete it).

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