Saturday, April 12, 2008

Day 1

I actually got my first number close before this challenge started. So I'll start the challenge early and describe the close. I went to a large, loud venue for a school event. So, like at any other school event, I tried to talk to some new people but ended up talking to mostly acquaintances.

Some of them were people I knew, and a few were new. I made a few key mistakes here. The venue was so loud that even though I project my voice a lot, they still couldn't hear me. Basically, you have to talk into the other person's ear, and they talk into your ear. I didn't figure this out, and essentially blew out on people who I already knew.

I was getting frustrated, and wanted to leave. I resolved to talk to some girls who I didn't know. A guy I knew was talking to two fairly attractive girls. I went in - turned out that they were from another school, and just happened to show up at our event. I ran both of them, and managed to number close the cuter of the two in a few minutes.

On the T home, I opened a mixed 3-set. Turns out that the girl was one of the guys' girlfriend, but she was giving me clear IOIs. She asked my my name, and seemed disappointed when I got off. This gave me the idea that I should try to open mixed sets more often.

One point.

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