Saturday, October 18, 2008

Physical Isolation

So, my goal for a while has been to become more comfortable with isolating girls. I have learned (and been told) that you need to isolate the girl in order to escalate sufficiently for the solid number close or the lay. The problem is that I'm a total pussy. I've been soft-stepping for months, afraid to truly man up and take initiative.

Last week, I had a set where I isolated the girl pretty quickly, and before long were were making out and she was volunteering to give me her number. I can probably count the solid number closes that I've had from night game on two hands, and maybe even one.

This set came immediately on the tail of another set, where I didn't take initiative, and I lost a set that had a lot of promise in the beginning. After about 30 minutes, the girl got bored, and got pulled away.

So, last night, I had another similar situation. The first set was one that I entered. I came into the venue and saw a friend in a 2-set. He was doing pretty well, but I entered (since it can be hard to really isolate with a 2-set). After a while (right as I was thinking about isolating), they went off to go to bed. More validation for my theory that you either need to e

The next set that is worth talking about was a 2-set that I opened. I opened, and got the set hooked. Then my wing came in to talk to the obstacle. Next, the obstacle's boyfriend came in. My friend stuck around for a little while, and then ejected or got blown out. I had been in the set for a while at this point, so I decided to go for it.

I said, "I'm going to show you something," and dragged her across the room. She was like "what," but was pretty compliant about it. We get there, I show her the thing that I was meaning to show her, and we start talking. Then, about a minute later, her friend and the boyfriend come over to us. They say some things in spanish, and a minute or two later the girls head to the bathroom. The lesson learned here is that, before you take the girl, check in with her friends. If you don't, bad things will happen.

But, overall, I made positive progress towards my goal. My spider-sense is telling me that I should be isolating, and I'm actually doing it. I just need to keep this up, and work on technique. I think that, from hereon out, my criteria for success is to physically attempt to isolate one or more girls during a given night (doesn't count if I make a verbal compliance request). Attempting to clear it with the friends and getting rejected also counts. The only way to fail is to not even try. I'm going to keep myself honest on this blog.

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