Monday, November 10, 2008

Journaling and Accountability

A while back, Champagne recommended that I buy a journal and catalog my approaches. He's sort of old school, and I initially laughed at the suggestion. He pressed, and I said that I would do it "some time." I've been writing occasional FRs and blog posts about my approaches, but I haven't been keeping a detailed accounting of all my approaches. Well, about three days ago, I started. I went out and bought a paper journal, and have been writing down ALL of my approaches (I left out one daygame session that was particularly lackluster). It only takes 10-15 minutes to write down the approaches from the day or night (I'm surprised by how many I can remember, even if I've done like 15 approaches). I've already started to notice sticking points that weren't evident before. Whereas previously the approaches all blurred together, now I can remember where and why each one ended. In addition, it is nice to be able to diagram things (such as the positions of the girls in the sets). A side effect is that I can wait until the next day to write the FR (it typically takes 1-2 hours to write a FR, and I'm usually tired by the time that I get home at 2AM). Another nice thing is that I should have a rough estimate of the number of sets that I've run.

From now on, I'm going to be writing at least 1 field report every week. I had gotten lazy, and hadn't been writing a lot. I still went out in field, but was coasting in terms of the analysis. From now on, that's changing. Analysis and correction is what makes you better; otherwise you are just spinning your wheels. I also am writing a sticking point report every two weeks. I have signed on to a yearlong coaching program, and one of the requirements is regular documentation. We are supposed to do 20 approaches every week, or 1000 over the course of the program. I've already done about 1000, so that should put me at a minimum of 2000, or half way to mastery. I'm going to do 20 night approaches per week, and all of the daytime approaches will be bonuses (hopefully I can do 20 of those as well).

Day Game
I've always been sort of a slacker when it comes to Day Game. I have gone out, but have been extremely inconsistent about it. Prior to today, I hadn't been out in like a month (with the exception of yesterday's GSF, which was a total fiasco because I had bad AA and only opened a few sets). The amazing thing about Day Game is that you can run a 2-5 minute set and get a solid number out of it. Today, I went out, and got 2 numbers in a bit under 3 hours (and I could have had at least two more if I had asked). Not sure how many will be solid, but 1 texted back right away (she said she had a BF when I got the number). Considering how few solid numbers I've gotten out of night game, despite probably running 100 sets that lasted for more than 20 minutes, its probably a good idea to do some regular day game. My wing and I have decided to make this a regular thing.

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