Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Update; Social Calibration and Shit Tests

Weekend Update
It has been a while since my last blog post. For the two regular readers of my blog, sorry that I've kept you in suspense for so long. I've been going out just as much as always, perhaps more (trying to daygame at least once a week, and night game 3X a week). As I mentioned, I've been journaling my approaches, and keeping track of them one-by-one. This has illuminated a lot of sticking points, and has also helped me to hold myself accountable for fixing them. As soon as I get home, I write down all of the details I can remember from my interactions, as well as any mistakes or sticking points.

The problem is that it's difficult to journal all of my approaches, stay active on two forums, keep up with Sinn's program (described below), AND write 3 interesting posts per week on my blog. I'm bitching here, but I need to find a balance. Maybe I'll commit myself to one new post per week, and try to be consistent about it. I could also recycle content, but I feel like that is a bit of a cop out. I feel like my blog is my best opportunity to focus on self-analysis, and figuring out where exactly I am in my journey.

Sinn's Program
I'm doing Sinn's 12 months to mastery program. It seems to be a great program, with a lot of dedicated and motivated guys. There are some virgins in the group, and some guys who have laid 100 girls. Everyone has to commit to doing 20 approaches a week, writing a field report every week, and writing a sticking points report every two weeks.

Sinn is basically starting us from scratch - for the next month or so, we are supposed to focus on having normal 3-5 minute conversations with girls. A lot of people, even guys who have lots of game, have trouble having a normal conversation with a girl. Thanks to my natural game focus up to this point, I've basically been doing this for about a year at this point, and I think that I've gotten pretty decent at "normal conversation." However, I'm sure that there is a lot to learn - I already do a lot of the things that were mentioned in our teleseminar on conversations, but some of them I need to work on.

Social Calibration
I was informed recently by Sinn that my social calibration is off. At first, it sounded ridiculous, but he pointed out some things in my last field report that indicate poor social calibration. Mostly, these involve viewing blow outs as shit tests. I never thought that I would be one of those guys who views everything as a shit test, but objectively, it looks like I'm headed down that path. One of the blow outs happened because the girls were focused on something else (having a fight). I should have taken their word for it and come back later. In another case, a girl who was clearly attracted to me suddenly decided to blow me out. I interpreted this as a shit test, probably because it was 1:40 AM and I had scarcity mentality (little did I know that I would be laying a much more attractive girl the next night). Regardless, I'm going to focus on this - social calibration is one thing that I got into this to improve. I'm clearly still makng mistakes...

Sinn's advice was to go out and watch my wings approaching girls. My goal is to figure out what the girls are thinking during the approaches. I'm going to do that, and to be more cognizant of what girls are thinking and feeling.

1 comment:

Pure Win said...

Wait, did you get laid! Nicely done!