Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Month

Wow. It has been a month since my last post. I'm still alive and kicking, but ended up taking a break of sorts. I didn't really intend to, but first I spent 2 weeks at a Vipassana retreat, and then a week visiting family. By the time I had a chance to go out, it had been three weeks.

It's amazing how much AA you have after not going out for a few weeks. I don't believe in "approach reluctance" or any shit of that sort. The idea of having to open a set causes physical anxiety and pain when you aren't used to it. Good thing that it goes away after a few nights in the field. In my case, I actually spent the first couple of nights choding out and only opening one set (which didn't really hook either time). Then I went out another night, and we made the excuse that there weren't any sets (there were probably two or three at least, even if you don't count mixed sets). It wasn't until I went out with one of my best wings that I actually blasted through my AA. I set my goal at 5 sets for the night (I started out with modest aspirations), and had no problem hitting it. The next night I was back to usual form.

This shit is amazing. I'm probably going to write an entire post on it, but it has changed my outlook on life. I never understood how to become outcome independent - despite the community dogma, no one actually tells you how to achieve it. Well, this technique is one way to achieve that. Possibly the best spent ten days of my life.

I'm going to reiterate the two immutable laws of pickup, and then I'm going to head out for the night. More on Vipassana and on outcome independence later...

1) It doesn't fucking matter.
2) Excellence is inevitable.

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