Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My Pussy Hurts

I recently had a realization, which is that I'm being a wimp. Sure, my game isn't developing as quickly as I would like, but that is no excuse for not pushing myself to the max. I'm not going to get any better by being a chode, and wallowing in my own self misery doesn't solve any problems. 

A lot of guys go out for a while, make progress but not enough, and they try to "find themselves." The problem is that they don't keep pushing themselves in set. They do better with the sets that they find themselves in, but they stop actively approaching at a high intensity. Before you know it, they have an UG girlfriend and are settling down with her. If you haven't figured it out yet, that describes me to a T. I've opened every time that I've gone out, but myabe 2 or 3 sets, and I haven't been pushing to the max. Last Thursday, I had a golden pull opportunity that was mine for the taking. I fucked it up.

Last night, I went out with a bunch of guys from the community. I didn't open at all at the first venue (to be fair, there were only two sets, and they were opened many times by everyone else). At the second venue, I put straws in my ears, and then went and opened a set. It didn't really go anywhere. Then I saw a two-set that I wanted to open. I said something to Doc Holliday, and he said something along the lines of "what are you waiting for?" I opened, and it didn't go all that well. He said that my body language got pretty bad as soon as I went into set, and I didn't kino enough. He was completely right - when I'm not in state, I sometimes have shitty BL and don't kino (or not enough). Fortunately, these things are easy to fix.

So, I have acknowledged that my pussy hurts. I'm going back to actively approaching. It's funny, because a wing recently asked me for feedback. My primary feedback was that he almost never actively approaches. Considering that we go out a lot, its probably something that we could work on together. I also want to start working on solo game again (it has been a while since I went out by myself).

1 comment:

Pure Win said...

I wouldn't blame yourself for last Thursday... my total failure to wing you in that set screwed it up pretty bad for you. Sorry. :(

But anyway, sounds like we both need to be doing more approaches. I'm totally down with that.
