Monday, October 6, 2008

Sh*t Tests

Ever since I started using some canned material in my opener, I have been getting shit tested a lot more than ever before. My opener is:

"You guys seem fun. Are you friendly?"

So long as they say "yes", it's on. Continue on, and the set usually hooks.

However, when they say "no," I say something along the lines of "I'm an asshole too. Give me five." This gets a decent reaction, but then I usually get shit tested at some point down the road. Here's a set from Saturday night.

I get through the opener.
Girl: So, tell me your story.
Me: Do you want the long version or the short version?
Girl: The short version. Actually, tell me three things that make you awesome.

At this point, she was asking me to qualify myself. 

Me: Blah Blah Blah (I qualified myself). Now it's your turn.
Her: I don't need to tell you. You're the one who approached me.

I kind of realize that I'm fucked.

Her: Actually, can you do us a favor? (Hands me her camera)
Me: Sure. (I grab the camera, put my arm around her, and start to aim the camera at the two of us).
Her: I want you take a picture of the two of us (points at her friend). Make sure that you get all of us. Head to toe.
Me: You're kind of bossy.
Her: I just know what I want.

I this point, I handed the camera back to her (without taking a picture), and walked away.

I know that I made several mistakes in this set, but I'm not entirely sure how I could have handled it better. Feel free to comment if you have suggestions.

1 comment:

Pure Win said...

I dunno man. I wasn't there, but both scenarios just sound like flirting to me. Have you not said the same kind of shit to girls?

The first one, you don't have to answer the "three things" question. You can just launch into whatever story you were going to tell, or change the subject entirely.

You could also say "1 is foo, 2 is bar, and 3 you'll have to wait to find out" or something like that. Guarantee she'll be bugging you for the 3rd.

2nd one, I see "I know what I want" and I hear "I know what I want and it's totally to get fucked by you in about 45 minutes." I just can't see ejecting here.

As far as that particular situation, I love to mess around with cameras depending on the situation. Take a picture of their shoes, yourself, some random guy, hell unbutton your pants and take one of the captain. If she doesn't laugh she sucks.

Obviously I know how hard it can be to come up with stuff on the fly in these situations.