Sunday, March 16, 2008

Day 15

I decided to go out with Pinnacle, but first I went to a house party.

On the T over, I noticed a cute girl with paint on her pants. I asked her if she was a painter, and the conversation went very well from there. When her stop came up, she lingered for a bit before getting off. I think that there was a good chance I could have number closed her, but I didn't (baby steps - that's next month's challenge).

The house party was fairly dead. There were a few cute girls, but I had a lot of problems staying in set with them (plus there were a bunch of friends who I hadn't seen in a while and wanted to talk to). After a while, Pinnacle called and suggested that we go to Karaoke, and I headed out.

On the T over, I opened a girl who had a neat bag. Turned out that it was a Rocky Horror bag, so we chatted for a while. As I was getting off the T, she asked me for my number. I guess that I did something right (she called the next day).

When we got to Karaoke, the place wasn't all that full. There was $10 cover, and you got to go up to the stage and sing your song. One of my friends (who is completely AFC, and vehemently denies that it is possible to systematically understand social interactions) called me up to hang out, so I told him to come over. We picked out our songs, and waited around. The only set I opened was a set of blind girls (I didn't realize they were blind until I notice that they weren't looking at me and that they had white canes). We spent a while chatting up a fairly cute girl and her married friend, but that didn't really go anywhere.

We ended up sticking around the Karaoke club for way too long (it had pretty much emptied out by the time we sang our songs), and then tried to go to another venue, but they weren't letting people in any more.

Lessons Learned:
- If you go to Karaoke, get there early so that it isn't dead
- Consider going direct on the subway approaches. You might get some more number closes that way.

Overall, I'll give myself two points, although I'm not sure whether subway approaches should really count (I only count them when they really hook). Its too hard to number close, at least for me right now. Hopefully that will change.

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