Sunday, March 2, 2008

Days 2 and 3

Day 2

So Day 2 turned into pretty much a bust. I went out alone, and kept running into people I knew. At the first venue I went to, I bumped into a guy from school. I didn't feel like telling him that I was there to hit on chicks, so I made a lame excuse and walked away (that might come back and bite me). I subsequently ran into someone I went to undergrad with and hadn't seen in over five years. It was strange to see him - I met his brother who is a current undergrad. Following that, I hightailed it out of there.

I went into another club and bumped into a guy that I sort of know from school. He was with his wife and some friends, so I hung out with them until the place closed. They were really nice when I told them that I was out by myself (the guy said that everyone does that sometimes). I didn't open sets, but hopefully I made some social contact.

Day 3
I wasn't originally going to go out because a family member was in town and visiting me. However, that family member tends to go to sleep early, so when Pinnacle SMSed me to go out, I figured that it couldn't hurt. So I headed out, and arrived at the regular venue around 11.

I went in, and headed upstairs. Pinnacle arrives a few minutes after I do, and we are both jittery. Neither of us wants to open a set.

I power through and open a two-set with a new opener that I made up today. The set opens up like butter. I talk to the two girls for a few minutes, and then realize that the cute one is married (and the other one wasn't all that hot). I eject.

Feeling pretty well from that set, I enter another two-set that turns out to be identical twins. They open up nicely, and I isolate one of them. Turns out that we have a lot in common (I'm a twin as well, from the same home state), and the conversation goes well. She is returning kino and giving IOIs, and I'm hoping for the #. Then she mentions that she is engaged, and I notice a rock on her finger. I stay in for a few more minutes, but my energy level clearly has dropped by then. Her sister comes back (of course she isn't engaged), but I didn't target her so I have problems transitioning. Pinnacle comes in, but there isn't much happening.

By this point, pretty much everyone we know has shown up. Its ridiculous - the place is swarming with guys. I open a set in the corner - it opens, but they aren't that creative, and it doesn't work quite as well. Turns out that they are stewardesses, so we talk about that for a little while. After a few minutes, I eject.

I know that I opened at least one more set than that (I'm pretty sure that there were two more), but I can't remember the details. The club closes at 1, and we head to another venue.

At this place, there are many more guys and girls, and a lot of mixed sets with one guy and one girl. Pinnacle opens a seated 3-set with Shadowfox winging. I'm left alone with no one to talk to. I notice a 5-set in the corner, and figure that I have nothing to lose. I go over and run my "You are Pirates" opener. They tell me that they are a lesbian support group on their first night out "not bisexual lesbians, but real rug munchers." I get my hands tied up with the ugliest and most outspoken one - one of the girls in the group was really attractive, but I couldn't manage to pull her into the set. I couldn't figure out whether this was true or whether they were just playing with me. After a while, I ejected. I talked to Maximus for a while (until the club closed).

Overall, I was really happy with this night. I will give myself 5 points on my 30-day challenge (more than 10% of the way there)

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