Tuesday, July 22, 2008


So I don't really know where I'm going with this. For the past week, I have backed off of the sarging. I have run a bit of day game, a bunch of social events. It has been somewhat different from going out a lot at night - not necessarily better, but different. Definitely no AA when I go to talk to pretty much anyone.

I started talking to a girl on the T yesterday. She was super receptive - turns out that she is in the process of moving here. I tentatively set up plans to hang out today. I called her and texted a few times (she always responded really quickly to the texts - when I called she was with the realtor). For some reason, the date flaked. I think that the logistics were bad. Probably not enough comfort, combined with strange logistics.

I went to a social event today. A few of the girls were cute. One girl who I went out on a date with once was there. It's always awkward when that happens - we said hi, but not much else. She was nice, but just not interesting or cute enough for me to want to go out with her again (I would say she was a 5). There were probably more guys than girls, but I thought that the majority of the guys were pretty hopeless. Some of them were really awkward, and would latch onto you and keep talking. They don't seem to understand girls or social interactions - they actually seemed to mostly talk to guys.

I felt like I was doing ok, but not superb. Talked to pretty much all of the cutest girls who were there, with the exception of one. I got into fairly meaningful conversations with a few of the girls (I had one girl hooked in pretty hard for a while), but it didn't turn into any numbers. I got blown out from the best interaction when a really awkward dude came in and then latched onto me. I didn't want to blow him out, and I couldn't think of a way to subtly drop him.

I would start talking to some of the girls, and after several minutes they would want to work the room more. I don't know whether that was because I was uninteresting, or just because their social instincts were at work. Probably a little of both. One solution may be to meet one girl, and then to take her around the room, introducing her to everyone (but being careful to control the interaction). I kinoed one girl lightly, and she blew me out for that (she was tactful about it - if I hadn't known more, I wouldn't have been able to figure out what happened). It was interesting - one lesson is that you don't kino in social game.

I think that I will eventually figure out and master this game.

As for the Day Game, I need to do more. From now on, I'm going to open two sets every day.

1 comment:

Brahmin said...

Hey dude,
I'm curious(haha right?); do you ever think that you really master the game, or just get decent at interactions? I feel like everyone sells themselves short. It sounds like you're being hard on yourself. I've been too worried about mastering the game as well, and I don't think there's such a thing. Just learning to love interacting with women, and thinking about your interactions logically is enough to make you a superstar.
Much Love,