Monday, July 14, 2008

Fuck Balance

So I have been thinking a lot about having balance in my life, and I think that its overrated. I don't need balance - what I need is to be happy. And what makes me happy is obsessive devotion to whatever it is that I love doing at the moment. I am never going to be a centered person - I should just accept that and move on.

I think that its important to have the things that make you happy, and those are friends, family, and something that you really want to wake up each morning to do. Everything else can go fuck itself. When you look at a lot of overachievers, they aren't balanced people. They pour themselves into a limited number of pursuits, and drive out better and better results. When they master something, they can move on. No one ever achieved mastery by being a hobbyist.

I feel like a lot of people take up pickup as a hobby, but it can't be. Pickup has to be one of the main things in your life, at least if you really want to get good. I think that my things right now are:

1) Work - my internship. I need to do enough to get by. That needs to be slightly more than I am doing right now.
2) Professional Development - I'm in grad school to build connections. I need to be going to events, and working on some startup ideas so that I can actually get things off the ground when I graduate.
3) Socializing - I'm going to aim to go to one social event a week. There should be new people there. I will also go to improv class for the rest of the summer. I will also try to go to a social event for grad school every two weeks for the rest of the summer, and every week thereafter.
4) Pickup - Three to four nights a week (and no more). I am also going to do at least one day approach on the days I don't go out.


1 comment:

von said...

I agree. Losers balance. The only issue is sometimes that obsessive people get influenced by and take goals from other people which does not benefit them personally. So one can be obsessive as long as its about his own pocket.