Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Boyfriend Objection

So I've been going out a fair amount for daygame recently, and I have changed my rules a bit. I only open girls who I am attracted to, and I go super direct. My standard opener something along the lines of "You're adorable. I had to come over and say hi." I've actually tried going less direct, but the results aren't as good. It has been getting easier, but I have run into a few sticking points. The most common is the boyfriend objection. In fact, the girl claims that she is going to see her boyfriend right then. I would believe this if it didn't happen almost 50% of the time.

So, the question is, why is this happening? I guess it is possible that girls who you open during the day are more likely to have a boyfriend, but it is more likely something about the approach. I never get the boyfriend objection when I open indirectly. Of course, I rarely hook the set on an indirect daytime approach. Going direct forces the girl to decide immediately whether or not she likes you. If she doesn't, she will be polite and give the boyfriend objection. If she does have a boyfriend, you kind of force her hand by going direct (unless she wants to cheat on him).

I think that one of my sticking points is that I don't stay in bad sets long enough. I eject almost immediately when I detect that the girls aren't into me. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, since there are lots of sets out there, but when I'm having a bad night, my state will tend to stay low because nothing hooks. When I'm having a good night, it is likely that if one set doesn't hook, the next one will, so there is no need to plow.

So I think that my resolution is to plow through the boyfriend objection. Don't stop talking until the girl walks away or tells me to leave. And, when I'm out at night, if I'm attracted to the girls, stay in set until I am told to leave or am actively ignored. Don't stop talking until the cows come home.

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