Saturday, May 31, 2008

Day 9

So today is my 9th consecutive day of sarging (I've been out 8 of 9 nights and a bunch of days). It actually feels good, and I want to keep going. At first I felt burned out from all the social stimulation (I'm naturally an introvert, although becoming less of one as the time goes on).

Some Notes:
- When I was only sarging 3X a week (thurs, fri, sat), it took me the first day to get back in the game. The next two days were progress. When I had a shit day, I was only havin one day of progress a week. You avoid that by not stopping - don't give yourself time to get weak.
- I've been learning to be higher energy, particularly when opening in loud dance-type clubs.
- I don't blow out all that much any more. The biggest problem is that sets don't always hook (I think that I'm more picky about what constitutes a hook these days).
- Not number closing as much as I would like. That's ok. I'm working on skills to strengthen my closes when they do happen.
- Jeet Kune Do: I'm working on a daygame stack with another community guy. Having a good stack that works will help my natural game. I think that routines are fine, and can help blast through some of my sticking points.
- I think that I need to come up with some more comfort routines.
- Always be trying new things. I'm working on Strawberry Fields right now. I ran it twice tonight - need to run it 8 more times before I can evaluate its effectiveness.

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