Friday, May 9, 2008

Self Validation

So tonight I went out with my wing. We started opening, and things weren't going badly. Then, shortly after midnight, my wing pulled a chick out of the bar. For some reason, my state went to shit shortly after that. I opened a few more sets after that, and one seemed to go pretty well (until the friend pulled the girl away), but I just wasn't into it. So I went home - it wasn't a bad night. A few sets went quite well, but everyone seems to be graduating BU students who are leaving town in the next week or so, so not much is coming from that.

So I wonder what happened. Basically, I know that I am not internally validated enough. When my wing pulled, he was no longer there to give me validation, and subsequently my state fell off. I need to practice being internally validated - I think that the best way to do this is to go out by myself a lot. That way I don't need a wing to lean on or to support me.

I'm not sure what the status of my last 30-day challenge is (didn't keep good enough track), but I am closing a lot more numbers than I was before. A lot of flakes, but that's par for the course at this point. At least I'm moving forward.

I'm proud that I can open a set and pretty much hold it as long as I want, assuming not too many interrupts. My game has definitely come a long way in the past couple of weeks. I think that my next task is dealing with interrupts better.

30-day challenge:
Go out at least ten times by myself. Each time that I go out, I must attempt at least one digit jack and open a minimum of five sets.

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