Sunday, May 4, 2008

Facade or Natural?

So one of my regular wings and I have very different strategies for developing our pickup ability. Given that we are both logical people (software engineers by trade), it is amazing how different our methodologies are.

In short, he wants to build the gold stack. Figure out a bulletproof series of routines and actions that will consistently and regularly lead to pulling girls. Its kind of like a choose-your-own-adventure; you need to have a routine for every situation, and know them all cold. You are constantly working, a master of technique.

I, on the other hand, am lazy. I consistently open with "Hey. how's it going?" and then wing it after that. I figure that my brain is smarter than my conscious mind, and through trial-and-error, I will improve. Over time, I self-analyze and notice weaknesses, and systematically correct these. As this is happening, my inner game evolves, and I get confident. I present the true me to every set - that "me" just gets better over time. Slowly but eventually, I will evolve into a person who excels in his relationships with women, and with people in general. Basically, it ends up being all inner game. I can talk about dumb and boring shit, but if I do it right, girls will be into me.

At their core, I think that the key to any sort of success is inner game. You can have the gold stack, but underneath it, you need to pull it off and be congruent with the frame you project. The problem with the "gold stack routines" are that once you ditch the gold stack, what are you left with? Do you have natural confidence, or are you dependent on your material for inspiration and confidence?

I think that the first way was the "old" way of doing things. The old masters such as Mystery and Style ran this way, and were ridiculously good at it. This worked for them, but they had to truly own it. I think that, to be really successful, you need to make up your own material. There are currently some products that build a stack out of your own material.

Let's dub the second way the "natural" method. How do naturals pick up? They obviously don't have a stack of routines canned and ready to go for all situations. They don't dance like a monkey to get girls to like them. They just come across as being cool, confident, and high value, and the cards fall where they will. They have interacted with women so much that they just sort of "know" what to say and do, without having to consciously think about it. And, you know what, they really enjoy it. I was talking to a girl last night, and I'm pretty sure that I could have escalated and tried to pull her. But I was having a good time, and we were vibing (I digit jacked with no problems, which means exactly zero at this point).

When I'm in set and in state, I don't need to worry about running out of material, because it all comes up ad hoc. The only times I run out of stuff to say are when I get nervous - in another thousand sets or so, I'm sure that will be behind me. Going out should be fun, and on quite a few nights, it is.

I think that the best guys do it this way. It isn't an act; you become your game.

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