Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Opening the UG

So I was out last night with some wings, and realized that I make a fundamental mistake in a lot of my sarges. Typically, if I go into a set, I go in for the target right away. This is probably a bad idea, because you don't have any rapport with the rest of the set. This can lead to drag aways, or even to the target being cold to you. Let me qualify this a bit - I like to go in direct ("Hey. How's it going"). It is difficult to run this on more than one or two people, unlike a fancy canned opener, which I can run on three or more girls at the same time. So I have to pick, and my hunch is that I have been picking wrong.

It seems like the right approach is to go for the UG or obstacles, warm them up a bit, and then switch over to the target a few minutes later. Not too much later (one of my wings kept getting stuck with the UG because he stayed there too long), but when the set is warm. At this point, the target sees that you are already hooked in, so she has less reason to try to blow you out. There is also less probability of a drag away (because they have some sort of rapport with you).

Another mistake that I make is standing behind the set for too long. It is hard to carry on a conversation with someone who is standing behind you. Even if I have to lock in and talk to the UG (because that's the only place to lock in), that's fine for the time being. I can then move her to get access to her friend. This should be something that I practice.

Another lesson learned: Monday after a long weekend is pretty dead. And girls who are watching the game in a sports bar are more interested in the game than being hit on.

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