Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Failure and Despair

So today was my 13th straight day of approaches. It hurts. I got off work early today, so I headed down to the mall to meet up with my wing (let's call him White_Russian, or WR). I was unable to open any sets until he showed up. Our goal was to do two direct approaches today. The first said "I have to go" when I opened her direct. I should have kept plowing. The second threw out the BF objection immediately. Mission Accomplished. It wasn't pretty, but I met the goal. WR did too. We headed out.

I tried to go out by myself tonight. I went to a street where there are a lot of bars, and found one that was crowded. I opened the door and walked in. Then I realized that I was tired as fuck, and that I just wanted to go home and go to bed. So I left. I know it's weak, but there's always another day. Right now, I need sleep.

This is the pain period. I want to stop, but I have to go on. 30 days to excellence. My head is fuzzy from fatigue. I WILL SUCCEED. Excellence is inevitable. I have never wanted anything quite so much as this. I don't know the last time I worked so hard at anything.

1 comment:

Pinnacle said...


First off, great seeing you in field.

Second, ask WR if he has a PUA name. He told me a certain name, but I'm not sure he wants it on a
public blog just yet.

Third, props for going out so many
days in a row. You know it's weird - I think you hit a threhold after a while, a point of no return where you just keep going.
Many believe it's 21 days. Like today (consecutive day 27 for me), I was mad tired and didn't want to drive into the city. I had only 4 hours of sleep last night. Yet something, a psychological itch it seemed, made me head into the city. I did 3 approaches and debuted my latest attempt at a devastating boyfriend destroyer pattern/routine.

It was almost as if I was more uncomfortable not approaching than actually hauling ass and approaching. Like I said, wierd. There's habit formation for you.

Fourth, I like your two mottos. However, there are two that I'd like to add to make sure we all keep things healthy. I'll tell them to you in person.

See, I do read your blog!
