Friday, June 20, 2008


For a long time, I've been sitting atop a plateau. I have been able to open and hold a set for progressively longer, but building attraction was kind of a SP. A lot of times, I could tell that the girl wasn't attracted to me. If I got a number, it would flake. I stopped getting numbers, and went back to the fundamentals. I focused on strengthening my interactions, and on worrying more about the process than the outcome.

However, in the past week, I feel like I have made some progress. As evidence, I have gotten 3 K-Closes in the past week or so. And there was one more situation where I could have had one, but didn't take the opportunity (it was a friend of a friend, and I wasn't really sure I wanted to play that). Not entirely sure what is going on, but it definitely a welcome change. A few things have changed, so I can't really isolate the root cause.

Here is what I have been doing differently:

1) Not caring. I really could take or leave pretty much any set out there. Zen and the art of pickup. When I go out, I approach myself into state. I think that shooting for ten approaches in a night is not at all unreasonable, and over time it desensitizes you to blowouts and reduces outcome dependence.
2) Meditation. I've been meditating on the shuttle to and from work. I think that it makes me more relaxed and more confident.
3) Kino. I think that my kino is more natural, and I am more confident with it. I sense the girl's escalation invitations, and take them.

The sum of it all is that I think I have just been a more confident person. People can sense that instantly. At work, people I don't know say hi to me in the halls. I still have a long ways to go, but I think that I'm on the right track. I see what they say about inner game being the only game.

A couple of months ago, I took a bootcamp with some local guys. While on the bootcamp, I hit a high that enabled me to score my first in-club makeout. That high faded quickly and I was back to pretty much where I started. But I had seen what was possible, and that gave me hope. Over time (and through much hard work), I feel like I have gradually worked my way back to that point, until I'm right on the cusp of hitting it again. But this time, its for real.

This summer is going to be great. Rock on.

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