Tuesday, June 24, 2008


One of the things that bothers me the most is how inconsistent I am. When I'm on, I'm fucking ON. Nothing can touch me - I attract women even when I'm not trying. Last Thursday, I went to an improv show, and managed to get a kiss and a number from the girl sitting next to me (I fucked up the bounce, but that's another story). Some of the other guys in my improv class noticed, and were seriously impressed. Not that I care what anyone else thinks, but I couldn't have done that just a few months ago.

And when I'm off, well, I can open ten sets and not really hook any of them. I keep going, but it still gets to me. I get mad at the world, at my friends, at other guys, at my family. It affects my performance at work, and all of my other interactions. On some level, I know that its just in my head, and will pass, but its hard nonetheless. That's the problem with natural game. Its all about what's going on inside, and when the inside is a little bit off, so is the outside.

The interesting thing is that it permeates through my life. When I'm doing well in field, I'm also a happy, social person. When I'm not, I'm probably in my shell and avoiding interactions as much as possible. I think that the solution is that I need to focus more on inner game. I've been doing some meditation, and I think that it helps a lot. Let's see what else I can find...

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