Monday, June 2, 2008

Going Direct During Daygame

So one of my wings and I have been day gaming consistently for about a week (we go out nearly every day), and have been trying to work out a logistical opener. The opener is "Hey. Do you know where Fire and Ice is?" Then, I say "some friends are coming to town, and I'm looking for somewhere to take them to dinner."

I've probably opened 30-40 sets with this, and while it consistently stops moving sets for a minute or two, it is difficult to transition to normal conversation. Sometimes the girl seems really interested, but there isn't a logical place to go. I usually ask her name, we shake hands, and the set ends. Sometimes, I am able to transition to normal conversation, but this has only happened 2 or 3 times.

We have been ruminating on how to get to the next step, and I noticed that a lot of my buddies have had success with opening direct. The problem with opening direct during the day is that it is a bit too polarizing. It spikes BT, but scares some people off. My wing had a brilliant idea - why not pull a reset. Basically, you ask the girl the logistical opener, and when she starts to answer, you say "Actually, I don't care. I just wanted to come over and talk to you." If you want a good example of this, some of the Pickup 101 videos show this sort of opener.

Tonight, we decided to each pull off one of those. I choded around for a while, and opened a few sets without transitioning. Then a really cute asian girl passed me, and I decided to go for it. She didn't know where Fire and Ice is, so I transitioned to the direct line.

Bang. Instant attraction. I pretty much choded out at this point, and she drove the conversation from there. She even asked me for my business card. I think that I was so shocked it worked that I came across a bit strange in the interaction, but it was a first step.

This shit works. I can see why Smallville gets the results he does.

Another thing we have been trying is turning PU into a game. Each day, you have a bonus move that you need to pull off. Every set that you open scores one point, and every set that you use the bonus move on scores an additional point (it could be transitioning, or resetting to direct). Each person needs to score 15 point. This is a lot of fun, and it forces you to open lots of sets. You stop scanning for girls who meet your threshold (which inevitably gets you out of state when you see the perfect girl), and go for it every time possible. Before you know it, you're truly in state, and have crossed the indifference threshold.

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